Mole: - "Guys guys. Minimize all those windows there's an audit heading your way. "
Us: - "Shit you're kidding. When?
Mole:- "about 30 seconds."
We realize resistance is futile.... We're done for.
Three stern individuals enter our office, two blokes and a Woman. Just hearing the name of one of them around the building strikes fear into the heart of the most hardened individuals. Things could have started better..
Woman :- "Do the cleaners never come in here? Is that why it looks like this?"
Alan, Dave and I all lock eyes as we realize super scary man is a foot away from the samurai sword. Luckily by some miracle he doesn't spot it. When the three of them have finished scribbling in their notebooks about what pond life we are they are on there way.
Me:- "Alan you twat they were right next to the sword."
Alan:- "I know. I know!"
Dave:- "You should have had it mounted in the window with a load of Arabic scripture above it. They would have loved that."
Alan:- "Yeah with a photo of two beheaded white boys."
Enter Spanish colleague from next door...
Colleague:- "Alan do you realise that they were inspecting my office before yours whilst you were banging on the wall and shouting "Oi fudgepacker."
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