Tuesday, October 28, 2008
always look on the bright side....
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Customer service training.....
Staff - "Why is it that you want to end your life?
Dave - "Well I'm been working at this company for 8 years and I'm really bored.
Staff - "Have you thought about getting another job?"
Dave - "Well I did ponder it for a second but I thought it might actually involve hard work."
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
kerry katona....
Dave's final comment on the matter - "I might start going to Iceland if it gets you that wrecked."
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Bruce Parry....
Dave is back in the building....
"Printer is printing out squiggles and hearts.......Fuck off I don't give a shit!"
Brief pause...
"I might buy a double barreled shotgun and go round and shoot all the printers. Then when they complain that they are printing too slowly I can say "Not a problem anymore."
Friday, October 17, 2008
the sword has left the building .....
Alan took his sword home last night. I just informed Dave of this fact and he said ...
"yeah we'll probably see him all dressed in orange soon. Cutting off Ken Bigley's head"
"yeah we'll probably see him all dressed in orange soon. Cutting off Ken Bigley's head"
Thursday, October 16, 2008
72 virgins debate...
Dave and Alan were discussing a video they had watched about a female suicide bomber and how she had said that "Jews run away from stones and so she couldn't wait to see how they dealt with limbs." or something along those lines.........
Dave:- "The men get 72 virgins but what do the women get?"
Me:- "The men get innocent woman whereas the woman get a load of blokes you have to draw a diagram for."
Dave:- "I hope the women get 72 rapists."
Watch the video here
Dave:- "The men get 72 virgins but what do the women get?"
Me:- "The men get innocent woman whereas the woman get a load of blokes you have to draw a diagram for."
Dave:- "I hope the women get 72 rapists."
Watch the video here
Ice cream eating ant-eater....
Me:- "Dave have you seen this youtube clip of a woman's ant-eater standing on his hind legs and eating ice cream out of a spoon?
Dave :- "No. At the end does he smear it round her minge?"
10am and already laughing.....
Dave has just been singing to the theme of Elton John's 'Are you ready for love'
"Are you ready... are you ready for prison... Yes I am."
I really should keep a closer eye on my accounts cause I'm pretty certain I'm not quite ready for prison.
Friday, October 10, 2008
sweary friday again
Thursday, October 9, 2008
fire alarm......
When I get to work everyone is on the street. I notice a new mexican restaurant opening up nearby. After I finally track down Alan I tell him
"There's a good looking Mexican is it open yet?"
"Who do you think started the fire?"
We head to Starbucks so Alan can get a expresso. He also orders a small glass of water and starts swallowing antibiotics.
Me:- "What are those for?"
Alan:- "Trust me. You don't want to know."
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
presentations again zzzzzzz........
"When they said has anyone got anything to say I said yeah 'Alan thinks you're all c**ts'.
When we have the brain storming follow up session can I borrow your sword Alan? I can go in with the sword and you can go with a rucksack. If I don't take their heads clean off then you can blow them up."
Alan:- "Man I'm swearing too much these days."
Dave:- "Swearing is good I think it makes me less aggressive."
A brief pause follows.......
Dave:- "Look at all these f**king jobs we have f**king got to do! Who do these c**ts think they are."
Congrats on doing a great job....
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
work experience...
Monday, October 6, 2008
whoops ... a surprise visit by health and safety....

Mole: - "Guys guys. Minimize all those windows there's an audit heading your way. "
Us: - "Shit you're kidding. When?
Mole:- "about 30 seconds."
We realize resistance is futile.... We're done for.
Three stern individuals enter our office, two blokes and a Woman. Just hearing the name of one of them around the building strikes fear into the heart of the most hardened individuals. Things could have started better..
Woman :- "Do the cleaners never come in here? Is that why it looks like this?"
Alan, Dave and I all lock eyes as we realize super scary man is a foot away from the samurai sword. Luckily by some miracle he doesn't spot it. When the three of them have finished scribbling in their notebooks about what pond life we are they are on there way.
Me:- "Alan you twat they were right next to the sword."
Alan:- "I know. I know!"
Dave:- "You should have had it mounted in the window with a load of Arabic scripture above it. They would have loved that."
Alan:- "Yeah with a photo of two beheaded white boys."
Enter Spanish colleague from next door...
Colleague:- "Alan do you realise that they were inspecting my office before yours whilst you were banging on the wall and shouting "Oi fudgepacker."
quote of the day.....
vegas baby vegas
Friday, October 3, 2008
stop press
How to deal with bullies the Dave way....

"They know how to punch and kick and headbutt".
Dave heard of his 9 year old being bullied by a older, bigger 13 yr old.
"My son was cycling through the town center when this kid, Zac his name is. Stopped my son, got him off his bike and said 'Let's play wrestling'. He then picked him up and did that kind of back-breaker maneuver they do and made my son cry. So I went round there straight from work on my (motor) bike and went round to his estate. When he answered the door I knew it was him so I growled "Are you Zac?" right in his face.
He shat himself and made a kind of high pitched shrieking noise and legged it so fast away from the door I heard him trip over his dog.
I think that Alan is back from Beirut on Monday so next week may be less Dave based but I can't promise anything.
Friday thoughts....
By the way I forgot to tell you guys that we work in the I.T industry. I tell you now cause its relevant here....
Me:- "Really?"
Dave - "It's gonna be about an I.T person who gets really pissed off and starts murdering all the other members of the company and when they are dead he shoves a stick of computer memory up their arse."
I'm sure I have a cold on the way.....
Me:- Dave. You got any paracetomol?
Dave:- No.
Me:- Got any smack?
Dave:- No but there's some pritt-stick in my drawer
Our Umbrella company....
Has just laid off one of it's two employees. Poor Ann is out of a job.
Dave:- Ann's been made redundant
Me:- Jesus Christ. Poor Ann what is she going to do now?"
Dave :- She's going into porn.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
Me: - "look at that its like bloody apocalypse now."
Dave: - "Yeah pay no attention they're just looking for somewhere to surf."
another radio phone-in
There is a 84 year old woman on the radio. Talking about singing etc. As the presenter says goodbye to her Dave says "Time to go and get more abuse from your carers."
whilst on a call to a client....
I turn round and Dave has some Iberican sausage hanging out of his flies. Being such a professional I manage to maintain my composure.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Dave's breakfast....
We have 2 Spaniards and a polish guy in the next office...
The walls are very thin and we can hear each other.
Dave comes in and addresses one of the Spaniards lovingly as 'Senor C**tos'
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